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Intuitive guidance, healing, channeling, activations 

Empowering you to Be True You

What intuitive session is?

Intuitive guidance session is a sacred space for you to connect to your heart, gain clarity and higher seeing, break free from limitations, receive insights and wisdom about your particular situation, your life, to shift and elevate your energy and consciousness and come back into alignment with your soul


I hold space for you with love and acceptance and meet you where you are. You may not know  what is holding you back or may have an understanding, but don’t know how to overcome it - I will guide you to come back to your heart and connect to your intuition, which is your birthright, so you will have an established connection with the Source, Higher Self and be able to do empowered action in your life, have more awareness and therefore gain confidence, freedom, alignment and clarity to move in this uncertain world.

What I am specialising in:

I am a space holder in which you will recognise and remember your true nature, reconnect to the Source within. I do energy work, clearings, activations of your true potential and embodiment of who you are in your DNA and cells. You will have a quantum shift in yourself and your life after our session, more clarity, energy and peace, healings can also occur.  

I am a certified activator, life coach, healer, yoga teacher, but all my gifts come from within, from the Source and years of practicing. 

After the session you will receive a recording of it, so you may watch it again, any journaling prompts (if needed) and recommendation, as well as resources (tools, techniques, meditations) to support your integration.


Intuitive guidance session is for you if you:
- wish to receive guidance and support, insights from the Higher Source 
- wish to establish connection with your heart and intuition
- want to live happy, fulfilled and empowered life
- wish to step into your destiny and greatness, but don’t know how
- wish to align all areas of your life with your higher purpose and soul
- wish to clear your space from all foreign energy, negativity, come out of the drama loop
- wish to overcome any fears or doubts you may have
- wish to have someone’s back and support, be fully accepted and seen

It may require to have a few sessions in some cases depending on the complexity and depth of the subject. 

Book Your Spot

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