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Hello, I am Anna Sun

Anna was born and raised in Ukraine, now living and working as a full time artist in the countryside in Sweden with her seven furry cats. 


Anna started painting as a response to her deepest soul calling. She started following her intuition and her heart as an expression of love and truth she painted intuitively with no agenda at first emptying the mind and letting the feelings (or her spirit) guide her choosing palette, textures and form. Anna’s first paintings were mostly abstract as well as abstract landscapes as nature was a big inspiration to her at the time. 


Developing more of her own style Anna took her art to another level by taking an art educational program at Milan Art Institute where she experienced a breakthrough and realized her purpose and mission as an artist starting to share spiritual messages, codes, transmissions, insights in a form of visionary art to empower, inspire remembrance of our true nature,  awaken people’s hearts and rise the consciousness on the planet. 


“To me art is very much linked with self-discovery, spirituality and mysteries of life. I wanna bring the viewer to their own experience of self, nacked, raw, absolutely free from conditioning and programs of society and mind. I want them to discover their own infinite well of freedom, happiness and love.” - says Anna. 


Anna has a unique style which is a mix of abstract contemporary art and realism. Her paintings can be described as whimsical, feminine, mysterious, expressive and poetic.  Anna uses different mixed media materials such as acrylics, inks, spray paint, charcoal, etc which allows her to be expressive, then she finishes almost all her paintings with lush and juicy oils. 


At the moment Anna is working on a collection "I am not too much" as a message to embrace our own uniqueness and authenticity. 


Anna's artworks are internationally loved and collected. Her paintings live in private collections in the USA, Sweden, UK, Netherlands, Germany, France, etc.

"Life is breathing Love through me in the form of Art. It is my joy and honor if my art moves you, awakens and touches your heart. We all here just learning about ourselves and the mystery of life. And if our paths crossed, it is auspicious. 
All my love to you, my beautiful friends! <3"

"Love, Truth and Beauty are the expressions of Divine/God.

Art has it all."

- Anna Sun

Discover the Truth and Mystery within you with Sacred Art Journeys!



Nothing uplifts the atmosphere and energy of space as original artwork.

Unique, soulful, inspiring.

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Stay inspired with Art Prints

Art prints are a great way to collect art you love and bring beauty into your life! 

High quality, professional, mesmerizing.

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